Cancer Support
As part of the in-house creative team I worked on Macmillan Cancer Support’s brand refresh in 2014 which was used to clarify and restate what an organisation is there to do. The brand proposition changed from the idea of ‘a team of inspiring people in your corner’ to ‘reclaim life from cancer’ and this informed the brand update - we worked to create a greater sense of positivity and urgency, as well as better explaining what Macmillan does.
We updated our visual identity and our tone of voice, making it much more human and less corporate. It allowed us to become bolder and more assertive than before and we were also able to flex from warm and sensitive to bold and urgent. We also widened the brand colour palette to add energy and bolder imagery.
I helped create brand guidelines, the tone of voice and rolled out the new brand for materials across Macmillan as well as flexing it to work best for all our different activities.
It worked: Macmillan was named brand of the year 2014 by the Marketing Society.