
A Mate

So often we don't say what's needed till it's too late. But stories from CALM’s helpline and supporters show that one word, one moment of closeness, can be the reason someone stays. We know that a few small words can make the biggest difference.

So Tell A Mate was born - where we asked everyone to let a mate know why they’re great.


We asked people to reject the very British idea of not giving compliments and embrace the awkwardness. Why? Because talking helps. It doesn’t always have to be deep and meaningful. Just letting someone know you value them for being them could mean more than you think.

So we created a film full of compliments from the irreverent to the heartfelt - and it didn’t end there. We took it to partners and got them to take it on and we even created a range of cards to send to a mate - featuring lines about last nuggets and Dad jokes.